Castellon Family

Castellon Family
Team Castellon

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

By the Grace of God, He Brought Us Hope!



This little light of mine is 2 years old today!!!

Through health struggles, docs told me in 2009 that I would never have kids. My world came crumbling down thinking that I would never have the opportunity to experience motherhood. I knew I could adopt or even become a bonus mom, but being a Mother was the furthest thought from my mind when I am in the fight of my life each day.

At this time in my life, dating was not even in the picture. Then, as I was pursuing God's will for my life (inspirational speaking), he did the unthinkable/impossible. I met my husband who was very persistent and confident in 2011 . He swept me off my feet. We got married, and shortly after to my surprise, while I was on a speaking tour, I found out I was 15 weeks PREGNANT!!!

YES, I was just as shocked as you are!!! I was in my 2nd trimester before I knew I was carrying a BABY! With mixed emotions I came to Jesus looking for answers. I wanted to explode with joy, yet I had been on medications the whole time for my severe Lupus, blood clotting disorder, and I was in the 2nd phase of my chemo. I thought, "Would my baby be ok?"

I faced my biggest fears of possible disabilities/abnormalities. I prayed, prayed and prayed. I made a deal with God that if He felt I was capable of this great responsibility then I would love her however He gave her to me. Hope Grace was born with a short left arm, one less rib and an extra lumbar vertebrae. We started extensive occupational therapy for her in our home at 3 months old.

I'm blessed to say that after a year old Hope's test results showed NO short arm, NO missing rib and NO extra lumbar vertebrae. Although she had some motor delays, she ended up walking and crawling at the SAME time (at 16 months) and exceeding all expectations!

She has taken the world by storm. She has saved my life! She gives me even more reason to stay strong and continue this health battle. She is healthy, vibrant, sweet, funny, active and loves Jesus. She already has a big calling on her life!

God led us to her name during such a turbulent time in our life. We heard clearly that by the GRACE of God, He brought us HOPE! Hope is the anchor for the soul. Without Hope, there is no life and reason to live.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Hope Graciela Castellon. We love you so very much!!!

SHARE the good news! Miracles happen everyday, not just in biblical times! If you weren't a believer before, then I hope this sweet pea's story changed your heart ♡. She has blessed me beyond measure! I've learned so much from her. God is ALMIGHTY!

P.S. I'm also the BONUS mom to two handsome, loving, sweet boys . Thankful for my life!

#messenger #Sol2Soul #PowerofWomen #speakerlife #Lupusdiaries #miraclesbaby#LiveFullDieEmpty #HopeGrace #manyarecalledbutfewarechosen

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